Svetovit at LED Expo - 2019
Svetovit company took part in the international exhibition LED Expo -2019, which was held in Kiev from September 10 to 12. Within the framework of the exhibition, specialized events were held - "LED Progres Conference" and "LED Expo School", which the company specialists visited with pleasure.
New line SMART MAX
The specialists "Svetovit" had the task to come up with an ergonomic, compact and modern lamp with a wide scope. And thanks to the hard work of the entire team, a new line of SMART MAX medium-power LED luminaires under the brand LED-SVU was born.
Production tour "SVETOVIT"
The quality of any product starts from the place of its creation, where a competent technological process, the presence of a staff of qualified specialists and the philosophy of the approach to work are very important. Everything matters. It is a pity that it is not always possible to see production from the inside out to be convinced of the quality and integrity of the enterprise. Therefore, the Ukrainian company "Svetovit" invites all existing and future partners to the holy of holies - for its production of LED lamps, the presence of which is one of the advantages.

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